Monday, February 24, 2014


Hi blog friends. I don't know if any of you are the same age as me but I am 18 years old and am at the point in my life where I am trying to figure out my next step and it is TERRIFYING! I have had a few positive things happen and am looking at applying for something big but trying to figure out what is right for me is hard.

Weather or not you are going the college route, there are a lot of choices to come up at this time. Am I ready to move out? How am I going to make money? Should I move out of state? Should I be going to college? Can I afford college? Can I survive in an expensive city? Just know that you are not alone in this. Me and many others just like me are going through the same thing. I think there are a few questions you should ask yourself before considering any big changes.

1. Is this something I really want? This is the most important. Before you uproute the life you have had for you entire life, make sure you really want it. Ask yourself if the desire to do this is coming from you or an outside source. Only do it if it is what you want.

2. What big changes would this entail? Will you have to move for this? Do you need to have reliable transportation? An apartment? All of these are things you need to figure out before you make your choice.

3. Can I handle these changes? You need to ask yourself if you are ready for all of the changes that come with it. If you don't feel that you can handle cooking and cleaning and doing your own laundry, maybe you aren't ready for something this big.

4. Can you financially support this? If you do not have a job lined up, you probably want to look into that. Even if it is a job that you are looking to uproute your life for, will the job support a life in the place you are living? Do you need to pick up extra work? This is incredibly important. Wanting to do it and feeling you are ready are important, but if you can not financially support it, it doesn't matter.

5. Ask yourself again, are you ready for this? If you are anything like me this is the first huge life choice you have had to make and it will be scary. Make sure you are ready for it. There is no shame in admitting that you aren't ready and waiting a year. In that time you can save up and live at home, assuming that is an option, and give yourself a year to warm up to the idea.

I hope this was helpful to some of you. If you are going through something like this feel free to contact me and we can figure it out together, hehehe. Also, if you have any tips, please leave them in the comments, I know I could use them and I am sure others could too.

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