Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dealing with Sadness and Depression

So this is going to be crazy, but I'm changing the order this week mainly because I am writing on my phone right now and the Monday post I want to do requires pictures from my laptop. Call me lazy but it is 3 am and I am cozy in bed and don't feel like going to my desk, oops?

So that being said here we are with a health related post. This is actually going to be a mental health related post. I wanted to take a second to talk about depression. I have suffered with depression on and off for many years. It isn't something I readily talk about but I thought that just going into it a little bit might be able to help someone going through something similar. 

I have been really good for a long time so i feel like it makes it harder when you feel down. I don't know if it is normal, but it is normal for me. For me, when something bad happens I start feeling what I felt when I was deep in depression. Now, I have gotten good at ignoring that feeling 99.6% of the time but there are some times that it just worms it's way in. This happened to me recently when I got turned down from the Voice for the second time. 

What I wanted to talk about is what you can do for yourself and what you can do if a loved one is going through it. 

For me there are a few sure fire things that help me.  I know that there are a lot of people that say that lying in bed and letting depression consume you is awful and while I agree, I think that sometimes giving yourself a day or two to just let yourself decompress can be incredibly helpful. If you see someone depressed in bed, give them a day or two. I have had my parents force me out of bed and though I eappreciate the though so much, it isn't always the best at the time. Another thing that works to combat it quickly is to put on your favorite happy music and dance. It changes your mood almost instantly and ya makes you feel better. Motion creates emotion. One thing that can help is eating your favorite food. Now, I don't mean emotionally overeating. I mean do something like take yourself to your favorite lunch or make your favorite dinner. It is something that releases endorphins in your brain and improves your mood. Probably my favorite thing to do is watch YouTube videos. When I am down I like to look for new people I haven't watched before or find videos from my favorites that I haven't seen before. 

What do you do to deal with sadness? Please let me know because I am always looking for new things to add to my list and yes, it is a real list so that I always have something good to do when I am sad. Sorry for the heavyness of this post I just thought that it was something I was going through and that it could potentially help other people. 

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