Mondays, the day best known for begrudging alarm clocks and the beginning of the work week, will now start out on a lovely musical note. It may be a review or an insight into something I am going through in my musical journey.
Tuesdays are going to be Top 5 Tuesdays. This means that there is going to be a topic and I am going to give you my top five. It could be anything from current songs to apps to lipstick.
Speaking of lipstick....Wednesdays are going to be beauty. It could be a makeup look or hair style or anything beauty.
Thursdays we are going to be diving into the world of technology. Computers, cameras, video games, OH MY!
Fridays are going to be fashion Friday (here we go again with the alliteration). This will encompass clothes hauls, OOTD's and everything fashion.
Saturday is going to be my random, fun day. You'll never know quite what you are getting on a Saturday. It could be a review, it could be a DIY, who knows! You'll have to make sure to come back and see the surprise.
Sunday is going to be a day of reflection. It'll be a look back at the week that just passed and a look ahead at what's coming. Anything that I've wanted to talk about or announce will be on this day and it will be a nice calm ending to the blog week.
So, are you excited?? I am very excited about what's coming up and this schedule will start this Monday (so the rest of the posts this week will still be random). One thing, this is a plan. There will be certain times where things will fall on others days and that's fine, we are flexible.
I am so excited to be putting my all into this blog and I hope you are as excited as I am. There are many fun things coming up including a giveaway soon and I know that it is going to be amazing.
I love you for reading and supporting so far and I promise there are amazing things to come!
Much love,
Kelsey xo