Today I want to talk about something that is both really hard and very easy for me. I am the kind of person that gets motivated incredibly easily. I start things and a lot of time I follow through with them if they are something that I really care about. The issue is that looking about a month in, I haven't followed through the way I want to. That's what I'm trying to work on this year.
There will always be reasons that you will find to not follow through. Work, health, schedule, and many others. I am guilty of this. I think the key is to acknowledge that these are all very real reasons to not get something done, however, if you want whatever the goal is, you have to push past them. I was once told "It works if you work it," and that is something I have lived by. I try to put my heart and soul into my projects.
I have a habit of taking on too many things at once, like right now, but I am learning how to balance and still follow through.
I have been on YouTube for 6 years and this week I hit 1,000 subscribers. There were times I wanted to give up. It always felt like people didn't care. I always would think that people weren't watching me because there are others that were better, prettier, funnier and more talented than I am. I have since realized that it doesn't matter what others are doing, it matters what I am doing. That, however, is another topic for another day.
My point is that is I hadn't kept motivated with my YouTube and hadn't stuck it out, I never would have gotten to 1,000 which means the world to me.
I challenge anyone reading this to write a list of about 5 things that you want to accomplish. Take that list and put it somewhere you will see it every day. You will be amazed at what seeing them written out every day does for your drive to achieve. If you set your mind to it, you can achieve anything. Everyone that you look up to doing what you want to do once started with just a dream.
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