Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Current Favorite Songs

If you know anything about me you know that I love music. I have been listening to a ton recently and I thought I would share some of my favorites with you! My music taste can be kind of varied but I figure this will give you plenty of options of things to listen to.

10. Break Your Heart Right Back- Ariana Grande

9. All About It - Hoodie Allen feat. Ed Sheeran 

8. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer

7. Clean - Taylor Swift

6.  Lips are Movin' - Meghan Trainor

5. The Kids Aren't Alright - Fall Out Boy

4. Teenage Dirtbag - Patty Walters Cover

3. I Know Places - Taylor Swift

2. Misguided Ghosts - Paramore

1. Touch - Troye Sivan

Monday, January 19, 2015

Staying Motivated (Motivational Monday #2)

Today I want to talk about something that is both really hard and very easy for me. I am the kind of person that gets motivated incredibly easily. I start things and a lot of time I follow through with them if they are something that I really care about. The issue is that looking about a month in, I haven't followed through the way I want to. That's what I'm trying to work on this year.

There will always be reasons that you will find to not follow through. Work, health, schedule, and many others. I am guilty of this. I think the key is to acknowledge that these are all very real reasons to not get something done, however, if you want whatever the goal is, you have to push past them. I was once told "It works if you work it," and that is something I have lived by. I try to put my heart and soul into my projects.

I have a habit of taking on too many things at once, like right now, but I am learning how to balance and still follow through.

I have been on YouTube for 6 years and this week I hit 1,000 subscribers. There were times I wanted to give up. It always felt like people didn't care. I always would think that people weren't watching me because there are others that were better, prettier, funnier and more talented than I am. I have since realized that it doesn't matter what others are doing, it matters what I am doing. That, however, is another topic for another day.

My point is that is I hadn't kept motivated with my YouTube and hadn't stuck it out, I never would have gotten to 1,000 which means the world to me.

I challenge anyone reading this to write a list of about 5 things that you want to accomplish. Take that list and put it somewhere you will see it every day. You will be amazed at what seeing them written out every day does for your drive to achieve. If you set your mind to it, you can achieve anything. Everyone that you look up to doing what you want to do once started with just a dream.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Schedule

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful time ringing in the New Year! I am a person that likes to plan and that likes having start dates for my plans. For the last few months I have been working incredibly hard on things for this blog and the rest of my platforms and I am finally ready to unveil them as well as some new projects! Are you ready? We are going to go site by site.


This is the new home of this blog. I finally took the leap and bought my domain name! I will be uploading 5 days a week on this blog. Every Monday through Friday you will have a post from me. Each day will also have a designated topic and I am going to share that schedule below.

Monday is going to be motivational post and things a little more personal. I think it will be good for both you and I to start our weeks with these posts.
Tuesdays are going to be my "free day." This is where any posts that do not fit into my other topics will go such as posts about music, DIY or other similar things.
Wednesday will be the day I do reviews. It can be a review of anything, but each Wednesday will be a new review.
Thursdays will be either a look or some sort of tutorial. It may be a full makeup and hair look or it may be a tutorial on how I do my red lipstick or anything in between.
Fridays are a day I am very excited about because I am doing something I have wanted to do for a very long time. I am finally adding fashion to my blog. Anything from an OOTD or how to style a certain item could be on Fridays and I am extremely excited.


I am so excited about the future of this channel. I have experienced such amazing growth and feedback on this channel in the last few months and I am looking forward to getting back into producing the highest quality content as I possibly can. I am also so happy to announce that I will be uploading every day on this channel and everything uploaded there will be music.

Monday's cover will be whatever song is #1 on Billboard charts. If the song that is #1 has already been covered, the highest climbing song of the week that I haven't covered yet will be the choice!
Tuesday's will be a cover by a YouTube musician. So many of these people have inspired me in many ways and I look forward to being able to cover music by people who have helped shape my career so much.
Wednesday is a day that is really for me, but I hope others will enjoy. As some of you may know I like a lot of punk pop and other alternative music. I have never really covered much of these genres on my channel because I was worried people would not like it. I figure now that six of the other days are going to be more mainstream music, I can do some of the music that I love so dearly.
Thursday will be throwback Thursdays. It can be anything such as a throwback to something like the Beatles or something that is a throwback for me, like Aly & AJ.
Fridays are going to be request Fridays. In the past I have gotten so many requests that I haven't done because they are a little out of my comfort zone or maybe not as popular songs. When I was posting weekly, I didn't feel like I could give my weekly upload to those. Now I can try and cover all requests that I get and that makes me very happy.
Saturday is my free day. I can cover anything at all that I want on Saturdays which should be fun.
Sunday is a day I am very excited about. This is something that actually changed in my plan about a week ago. I had planned on having both Saturday and Sunday as free days. While I still do in some respects, there is one thing that will be different. Sunday is going to be ukulele covers! I just got one for Christmas and have been working hard and enjoying it a lot and can not wait to bring it to my channel.


In this year I am excited about really starting to use this channel. Since my main channel will be completely focused on music, this is where everything else will be. There will be uploads 3 days a week.

Tuesday will be any fashion or beauty related videos. I have always had a passion for this kind of content and can not wait to start posting it regularly.
Thursday will be videos on a topic or event or something of the sort. This day is a sort of catch all for videos that are not beauty related or daily vlogs.
Saturdays I am starting something new that I am looking forward to. I have always wanted to daily vlog but to put it simply, I am not exciting enough to have enough good content for daily vlogs, so I am going to be doing weekly vlogs! These will have the previous Saturday to Friday in them and I am looking forward to having something to look back on and recap at the end of the year.

Now I am so excited to introduce two new projects that I am going to be working on. One is a YouTube channel and one is a blog.


Some of you may know that my true love in life is Disney. I have been blessed enough this year to have an annual pass and I only live 2 hours from Disney World. I have always loved Disney blogs and videos and I am so excited to be joining the world of Disney bloggers! I am starting with 2 posts a week on this blog.

Wednesday I am going to be posting about a specific ride, restaurant or event.
Friday I am going to be doing Top 5 lists such as "Top 5 Quick Service Dining Choices at Magic Kingdom."

KelsHealth YouTube

Due to changes with YouTube and their policy with custom urls, I do not yet have one for this channel so for now it is long and crazy and you will have to follow the link. This channel is something very personal to me. Many may not know and many might, but I have had some severe health problems over the years. I don't really want to get into that much because it is very personal to me and very upsetting. I am at a stand still with what doctors can do. I did a lot of my own research and found some dietary and similar things that I can do that some have had success with. I also plan on using this channel to work for and document weight loss since I am on thyroid medicine now and it should be easier. I am using this as a tool to myself to keep me accountable and also to try and find people going through similar things and build a community. I am going to be posting every day. Things on this channel will not be as formal and schedules may change but this is how it stands for the moment. Some days the videos may be just tiny short updates and some days they may be pre-planned well made videos. This channel is a health journal for myself and anyone else that wants to follow along and I am thrilled to be starting this.

Monday- Update
Tuesday- Workout Related
Wednesday- Walk Talk, I vlog while on my walk and talk about things relating to health
Thursday- Recipe
Friday- Swap Out, something small we can change to make a difference
Saturday- Free Day, whatever I feel like uploading
Sunday- Weekly Wrap Up.

I hope you all are as excited as I am about the new things coming. I know that this is a lot and I don't expect everyone to have interest in everything I am doing but I hope you will at least check out some of it. I will see you tomorrow with a fashion post. I hope you are having a wonderful New Years!

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