Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog and Video Scheduling

Oh my dear, this is been quite a week for me and technology. First my cell phone broke, now my laptop is dead. If this continues I should be completely cut off from the world by tomorrow. I am not able to make videos and put them up because I do not have a computer or editing software. This is become very frustrating for me but fortunately I am able to continue blogging from my iPhone. As many of you will know, I am headed out to Anaheim California in just under a month for VidCon. Because of this, I have been having to plan out all of my videos and blog post until after I get back. This has resulted in me getting very very very good with my schedule. I thought that I would share my method for staying on top of all of my online content with you. When I first started online, I was very overwhelmed by trying to keep a good schedule. It has taken me years to get to a place where I have a system that works well for me and I know that my system will not work for everyone. For me, the key is not figuring out the video or blog post the day that I want to make them. If I end up doing that, there is no post it all. Or else, I and up doing something off the top of my head and it is never as good as what's been planned. I have tried many different things to stay on top of my schedule and it hasn't been until recently that I have found something that truly works for me. I thought that today, I would share that system with you.

For me the first thing, is to keep an actual written paper schedule. If I tried to keep everything on my computer or my phone it honestly does not work as well for me. I typically by a couple of planners to use some for my every day life for my work life and for my blogging and video life. If you shop during an off time at the bookstore you can get date planners for very very inexpensive. I purchased mine from Books-A-Million and it is the perfect size to be able to take with me on the go. I also make sure to get one that I like the color and design of because it makes it much easier for me to use. This is the one that I'm using currently.

I have found that I work best with a color coded system. I use colored ink pens to differentiate different content. I use purple for my LoveFromKelsey channel, pink for this blog and blue for my KelsTalks channel. 

I try to keep things planned out a month in advance. Right now I am planned through a week after I get home from my LA trip. 

I hope that some of this might help you in some way, I know that other people's scheduling and organization posts helped me a lot over the last few years. 

Until my computer comes back to me from the laptop hospital, this will probably be the place to find me since I can not post videos. You can also find me on my social media.

Thanks! Let me know if you have any scheduling tips. 

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