Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Year, New (Healthy) Me

I'm going to be totally honest today and say the idea of writing about health on a day where I feel so lousy is pretty much the last thing I want to do. With my medical problems one issue I have is chronic abdominal pain and it is honestly just off the charts this afternoon so I was thinking rather than bore you all with that I would outline some of my health related goals for 2014. So let's get started!

My first goal is to improve my general health. I am going to be doing this with a major dietary change. After extensive research on how certain foods play into the health problems I have, I have come up with a plan that will work for me.

My second goal is very much secondary. My ultimate goal is to be healthy and if this happens in the process, that is fantastic. I am hoping that by getting some of my levels sorted out I will finally be able to lose some weight. The metabolic issue I have have made that very difficult to this point but I am hoping as we learn more about the problems that is something I will be able to overcome.

My third goal is a big one and I am not sure how easy it will be. I don't say that because of lack of follow through, it is because there are times that certain medical limitations make things hard. I want to do a
5k by the end of the year. No time requirements or anything, I just want to train and be able to complete one without too much pain. I understand that a 5k is not a huge deal but as I said, with my medical limitations, being able to do a 5k would mean the world to me.

Do you have any health goals for the new year? If so let me know in the comments, we can help each other through!

Much love, hope you are having a great day!

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